<< Search Results

Community Living Welland Pelham Scholarship


$3000 - shared between all successful applicants




application form available in Guidance Office



- student graduating from a Welland or Pelham secondary school
- furthering his/her education in a field related to advancing the inclusion of people with disabilities
- demonstrate the inclusive values of Community Living Welland Pelham
- not totally dependant upon applicant's academic standing


- complete application form available in Guidance Office
- describe in detail how you have demonstrated the ability to ensure that people who have disabilities are fully included and have participated in all aspects of high school life
- description of how you have ensured the full inclusion of people who have disabilities in other aspects of your community, outside of school
- outline field of study and ideas on how you will enhance the inclusion of people who have disabilities in the future
- submit to Guidance Office
- interview


Theresa Terreberry
Manager of Administration
Community Living Welland Pelham
535 Sutherland Avenue
Welland, Ontario
L3B 5A4

Phone: 905-735-0081 ext. 208
Fax: 905-735-9431
Email: tt@cl-wellandpelham.ca