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AbbVie IBD Scholarship Program for Crohn's and Colitis Canada


up to $5,000 - 15 awards annually
Opens February 8
closes May 15






- A citizen or permanent resident of Canada
- Diagnosed with Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis by a health care professional
- Seeking a diploma, associate, undergraduate, or graduate degree from a Canadian university, college or trade school
- Enrolled in or awaiting acceptance from a Canadian-based post-secondary educational institution for the 2022 fall semester
- A student who demonstrates academic aspiration and strives to sustain an optimal level of wellness, allowing them to excel to reach their goals and inspire others to do the same.them to excel to reach personal and academic goals and inspiring others to do the same


** All applicants must submit scanned originals of the following information via online by the deadline.

- A completed AbbVie IBD Scholarship online application
- A completed and signed Proof of Diagnosis Form from your treating health care professional
- A signed and dated Applicant Consent Form
- Two (2) letters of personal recommendation from a teacher, guidance counsellor, school official, coach, mentor, health care provider, professional colleague or employer
- A one (1) page (500 word max.) essay outlining how you demonstrate your academic aspiration and strive to sustain an optimal level of wellness, allowing you to excel to reach your personal and academic goals and inspiring others to do the same.

PLEASE NOTE: Once you begin the online application process, you will not be able to save your information to continue it later.


Charlotte Hall-Coates, Youth Engagement Coordinator
2110-439 University Avenue
Toronto, ON M5G 1Y8
Phone: 1-800-387-1479 x 247
Email: info@ibdscholarship.ca