
Parent/Guardian Guides to the Provincial Report Card


Three formal report cards are issued in Ontario’s publicly funded elementary schools, as described below. 


°Õ³ó±ð Kindergarten Communication of Learning:  Initial Observations provides an overview of observations of your child’s learning since the start of the school year. It also captures early evidence of growth in learning in relation to the Kindergarten program. Click here to learn more! 

°Õ³ó±ð Elementary Progress Report Card shows your child’s development of learning skills and work habits during the fall of the school year, as well as your child’s general progress in working towards achievement of the curriculum expectations in each subject (reported as “progressing very well”, “progressing well”, or “progressing with difficulty”).  Click here to learn more! 

February & June:

°Õ³ó±ð Kindergarten Communication of Learning shows how learning has happened through your child’s play and inquiry in kindergarten in four sections which correspond to the four areas of the Kindergarten Program.  In each of these sections, educators add personalized comments about your child’s learning that are clear and easy to understand.   

°Õ³ó±ð Elementary Provincial Report Card shows your child’s achievement at specific points in the school year. The first Provincial Report Card reflects student achievement of the overall curriculum expectations introduced and developed from September to January of the school year, as well as the student’s development of learning skills and work habits during that period. The second reflects achievement of curriculum expectations introduced or further developed from February to June, as well as further development of learning skills and work habits during that period. The Provincial Report Card for Grades 1–6 uses letter grades; the report card for Grades 7 and 8 uses percentage grades.    

**New!  One Mark in Language **

In September 2023, students across Ontario were introduced to the new Elementary Language Curriculum Grades 1 - 8, which replaced the 2006 Language Curriculum. has been created to give parents and guardians an idea of some key elements of the Language programs in elementary schools.  

One key difference is that the new curriculum no longer has four distinct areas of learning in Language: Reading, Writing, Oral Language, and Media. Rather, learning related to literacy is woven throughout the Language block and throughout the day and in other subject areas.  

To foster a cohesive approach to both instruction and assessment related to the elementary language curriculum, achievement in Language on the Provincial Elementary Report Card will be reported as one overall grade or mark, with supporting comments. These comments are designed to illustrate students’ strengths, areas of growth, and next steps (associated with areas for improvement or areas of need) related to literacy.  

Changes to the Kindergarten Communication of Learning and the Elementary Provincial Report Card Templates have also been made to reflect the voluntary Early Reading Screening (ERS) that teachers may administer this year. For this reporting period, the section relating to the Early Reading Screening will remain blank for all students in our system.