
Secondary: Canadian and World Studies

Canadian and World Studies

In Canadian and world studies, students develop skills, knowledge and understanding, and attitudes that will serve them both inside and outside the classroom, including in the world of work and as responsible citizens in the various communities to which they belong.

Geography – Grade 9

The Grade 9 geography courses provide students with opportunities to explore these three aspects of geography as they investigate geographic issues in Canada. In these courses, students will examine issues relating to interactions between physical processes and people living in Canada; changing populations in this country; economic and environmental sustainability; and interconnections between Canada and the global community.

History – Grade 10

History involves the study of diverse individuals, groups, and institutions as well as significant events, developments, and issues in the past. The Grade 10 history courses provide students with an overview of Canadian history from the eve of World War I to the present.

Civics – Grade 10

Politics involves the study of how societies are governed, how policy is developed, how power is distributed, and how citizens take public action. The Grade 10 course Civics and Citizenship focuses on civics, a branch of politics that explores the rights and responsibilities of citizens, the processes of public decision making, and ways in which citizens can act for the common good within communities at the local, national, and/or global level.

Grades 11 & 12


Economics is about making choices, as individuals and as a society, about how best to use limited resources. An understanding of fundamental concepts, models, and methods of inquiry associated with economics can help us make informed decisions about how to allocate resources to address people’s unlimited needs and wants. The Grade 11 and 12 economics courses provide students with opportunities to develop an understanding of different economic systems and institutions and to assess the ability of those systems and institutions to satisfy people’s needs and wants.


In the Grade 11 and 12 geography courses, students will develop their ability to apply both the geographic inquiry process and the concepts of geographic thinking. They apply this process and these concepts as they investigate a wide range of geographic issues and deepen their awareness of interconnections between Canadian and global issues. 


History involves the study of diverse individuals, groups, and institutions as well as significant events, developments, and issues in the past. The Grade 11 and 12 history courses provide students with opportunities to study many aspects of Canadian and world history, from early societies to the present. These courses convey a sense of the dynamic nature of Canadian and world history.


The law is about society’s efforts to promote fairness and justice. It involves formal rules that are enforced and adjudicated by institutions. The law shapes politics, the economy, and society in many ways as it attempts to mediate relationships between people. The Grade 11 and 12 law courses provide students with opportunities to develop an understanding of the historical and philosophical foundations of our legal system. Canadian and World Studies Students develop an understanding of the relevance of law in everyday life and of their rights and responsibilities within the Canadian legal system. What they learn about the law will also help students understand why laws change over time.


The Grade 11 and 12 politics courses provide opportunities for students to investigate a range of issues of political importance at the local, national, and global level. Students will explore issues related to policy making, political engagement, the distribution of power, human rights, and international relations. Students are encouraged to explore political thought, to clarify their own values and positions relating to political issues, and to explore ways in which they can contribute to political change.